With Diablo 4 Season 2 officially launched, we’re going to take a moment today to discuss the 22 Vampiric Powers in Season of Blood. These are where our powers come from in Season 2, allowing players to further customize their builds.
These Vampiric Powers are a staple of Season 2. Vampire Hunter Erys will help in the seasonal quest line in our adventure. Finally, we will hunt down and eliminate its powerful leader, Lord Zir.
To help us, we will get Vampiric Powers from different places. These powers can enhance your damage or defense.
How To Get Vampiric Powers?
Vampiric Powers is not a set-up-and-useless system. You must complete several steps involving additional components to unlock these abilities and upgrade them to their maximum potential.
Hunter’s Acclaim
In Season of Blood, there are two major ways to get Vampiric Powers. The first is through the new season’s only progression system, Hunter’s Acclaim. Hunter’s Acclaim is tied to the events and actions you take during Blood Harvest Event.
Slaying enemies with your sword, blasting Blood Blisters, completing World Events, destroying Vampiric Rituals, and freeing prisoners during Bounties will earn you some Reputation. With Reputation, you will level up with useful rewards such as crafting materials, Diablo 4 items, and Pact consumables.
Blood Harvest is essential for getting some Vampiric Powers. So take advantage of these Blood Harvest Events.
Potent Blood
The second method is simpler, just a good old method called Potent Blood. This allows you to spend a certain amount of Diablo 4 Gold to unlock one Vampiric Powers at a time in Sanguine Circle UI on the character screen.
To get Potent Blood, head to the open world and kill Lord Zir’s minions. The new Blood Harvest Event will be your best and easiest source to get this component.
Also, you can farm Blood Lures, a Diablo 4 item used to start a mini-event to summon a Blood Seeker. After defeating Blood Seekers, they can drop Seekers Caches. Open it and you can get Seeker Keys, which sometimes reward Potent Blood.
Potent Blood is not only important for getting Vampiric Powers but also for upgrading them, so don’t neglect farming it.
How To Activate Vampiric Powers?
Now we know what Vampiric Powers are and where to get them. Now let’s talk about the last part. We also need to farm Pact Armor and get our pact to actually activate Vampiric Powers to use.
Over the course of the season, you can earn a piece of Pact Armor when you kill Shadow Vampirers, take part in Blood Harvest Event, or level up Hunter’s Acclaim reward. You need three types of pacts: Ferocity Pacts, Divinity Pacts, and Eternity Pacts.
Also, the maximum number of pacts you can have per item is 3-5, depending on the rarity of the gear you own.
Finally, pacts can only be rolled or applied to Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Pants, and Boots. This means you can have up to 25 pacts. But you can trade with other players through Diablo 4 Gold for sale to get more pacts and activate Vampiric Powers.
If a piece of Pact Armor has rolled, but doesn’t have the correct Pact you need, there is a way to fix this. You can use Cleansing Acid, which can be used to erase all Pacts from a piece of Pact Armor.
This way you can place new pacts on top of that Pact Armor to make it suit your needs. If you don’t have enough spare pacts or just need to replace one type with another, Alchemists have your back.
Vampiric Powers
It’s time to choose Vampiric Powers we want and organize our pact.
Depending on the class and build you want to play, you can choose which Vampiric Powers you want to use. These Powers come in two forms: Minor Vampiric Powers and Major Vampiric Powers. Minor requires 1-3 Pacts, Major requires 6 Pacts.
Due to the natural 25 Pacts gear limit, keep this in mind when planning which D4 items you want to bring!
Minor Vampiric Powers
- Anticipation (1 Divinity): Your ultimate ability cooldown is reduced by 20%. It increased your ultimate damage by 12% for each nearby enemy affected by a damage-over-time effect.
- Coven’s Fangs (2 Divinity): Your Conjuration and Companion deal 52% increased damage to Crowd Control enemies. After a Lucky Hit, your minions have up to a 30% chance of inflicting Vampiric Curse when attacking an enemy.
- Domination (1 Ferocity): You deal 24% increased damage to Stunned, Immobilized, Frozen, or Feared enemies. If the injured enemy is not an elite, they will even die instantly.
- Feed the Coven (1 Eternity): After a Lucky Hit, Conjuration, Companion, Minion, and Bat Familiar attacks have a 60% chance to restore 10 primary resources and increase your damage by 10% for 4 seconds.
- Hectic (3 Divinity): For every 5 basic skills you cast, 2 seconds reduce the cooldown of one of your active abilities.
- Hemomancy (3 Eternity): Your attacks deal 80% of your maximum health as physical damage to nearby enemies. But this can only happen once every 4 seconds. It restored you for 1% of your maximum health for each enemy damaged.
- Infection (1 Ferocity): Hitting an enemy with direct damage causes them to become infected with Pox. Attacking an enemy 8 times will remove the infection, causing 70% of poison damage.
- Jagged Spikes (1 Ferocity, 1 Divinity): Thorns have a 10% chance to deal 300% increased damage and chill enemies by 8%.
- Prey on the Weak (2 Ferocity): It increased your damage against Vulnerable enemies by 16%. Enemies become vulnerable when affected by Vampiric Curse of other Vampiric Powers.
- Rampart (1 Divinity, 1 Eternity): After being immobile for 3 seconds, you will gain a Barrier with 40% of your maximum health for 6 seconds. This effect occurs every 20 seconds.
- Ravenous (3 Ferocity): After a Lucky Hit, there is a 20% chance of increasing your attack speed by 40% of your total movement speed for 6 seconds.
- Resilience (2 Eternity): For every 2% of life lost, you gain 1% damage reduction.
- Sanguine Brace (1 Divinity, 1 Eternity): When you kill an enemy, it amplifies 6% of your base health. When your defense exceeds half your maximum health, you gain 8% critical strike chance.
- Terror (1 Ferocity, 1 Divinity, 1 Eternity): When hit, you have a 14% chance to terrorize nearby enemies and slow them by 80% for 2 seconds.
- Undying (1 Eternity): Spell casting skills heal you for 3% of your health.
Major Vampiric Powers
- Accursed Touch (6 Divinity): After a Lucky Hit, you have a 44% chance of inflicting Vampiric Curse on the enemy. Enemies affected by Vampiric Curse have a 15% chance of spreading it to other nearby enemies. It increased the damage dealt by Cursed Soul by 200%.
- Bathe in Blood (3 Divinity, 3 Eternity): When channeling a skill, a pool of blood will form underneath you. When channeled in a pool, the damage done by your Channeled Skills is increased by 40%, and you gain 30% damage reduction. We can only form once pools every 8 seconds.
- Blood Boil (6 Eternity): When your core ability overwhelms an enemy, you generate 3 Volatile Blood Drops. It explodes and deals 60% physical damage to enemies around you.
- Call Familiar (3 Ferocity, 3 Divinity): Use Mastery, Weapon Mastery, Macabre, Wrath, or Imbuement Skill to summon Bat Familiar to attack nearby enemies, causing 80% physical damage and a 30% chance of being stunned.
- Flowing Veins (2 Ferocity, 2 Divinity, 2 Eternity): This increases the damage you deal to enemies affected by Vampiric Curse by 60%.
- Metamorphosis (2 Ferocity, 2 Divinity, 2 Eternity): When you dodge, you transform into a ball of bats and become unstoppable for 4 seconds. Enemies in your path take 160% physical damage and are affected by Vampiric Curse.
- Moonrise (6 Ferocity): After hitting an enemy with a basic skill, you gain 4% attack speed for 10 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. After reaching maximum stacks, you enter Vampiric Bloodrage, gaining 160% base skill damage and 15% movement speed for 10 seconds.
Vampiric Curse
Vampiric Curse is a general ability that every class will get and is a skill that is triggered when using certain skill types.
Killing enemies affected by Vampiric Curse stores their souls. Casting a Defensive, Macabre, or Agility Skill will release stored souls to attack nearby enemies. Can hold up to 8 souls.
Vampiric Curse is damage dealt to us at the beginning of the seasonal quest line. While its proc chance is unknown, we can assume that it won’t be too difficult to make it work.
Once all of this is done, place Vampiric Powers of your choice into Sanguine Circle UI to activate them. At this point, you’re almost done.
Don’t forget to keep farming Potent Blood and upgrade your power from level 1 to level 3 for maximum effect. Keep spare pacts for when you upgrade a piece of Pact Armor and need to readjust your pacts to maintain the power you have. Use Cleansing Acid to do so.
In summary, this new Vampiric Powers system adds possibilities for equipment selection and build optimization in Season 2. The choice of different Vampiric Powers also provides flexibility in building designs. What’s more, these Vampiric Powers have the potential to change the rules of the game for certain builds and bring about different gameplay!