World of Warcraft is unofficially the best MMO RPG in the gaming industry due to its main advantages:
- The well-known confrontation between the Horde and Alliance factions, which means constant PVP.
- Activities and professions – each player will find something to do.
- Developed quest system – study the storyline, or just speed up through interesting tasks.
- Raids and Dungeons – Fight challenging bosses on varying difficulty levels to claim achievements and legendary equipment that is difficult to obtain otherwise.
- Guild system – find friends and allies for joint leveling, PVP and other activities.
To keep abreast of all the latest changes in the World of Warcraft and know what key events lead to, go to the site – and read the most up-to-date information.
Beginning of the game
Before you start your journey into the world of WoW, the developers from Blizzard will send you for training – it is not long, but it will help you understand the basic nuances of the game, the skill system, pumping methods and movement. After receiving the basic briefing, you will be expelled to the free world of Azeroth. Representatives of the new Draktir race will start their journey separately, hiding in the mountains until they reach level 10.
Faction fight
In the world of Azeroth, irreconcilable factions are fighting among themselves, which include a large number of races – the Horde and the Alliance.
Over the course of a large number of updates and experiments, Blizzard finally leveled both factions and now there is practically no fundamental difference in the choice and it costs more to be guided by external characteristics, racial bonuses and just personal sympathies.
Factions will constantly fight among themselves in adjacent locations, fight in arenas and fight in large-scale battles for control of territories important to the continent of Azeroth. lol coaching
Activities and professions
World of Warcraft has a huge number of activities that are available to players and they can be divided into several groups:
Explorers – travel the world, explore new lands, raids and archeology.
Farmers – go through quests, grind, do professions and do everything to accumulate gold, experience and everything that can be sold in the World of Warcraft.
Merchants are craftsmen and just economically savvy characters who can earn gold without leaving the marketplace.
The world of Azeroth is constantly changing and expanding as part of the release of new additions, so for fans of travel, you can simply fly to different territories that are radically different from each other.
Challenging dungeons that require forming or joining a fireteam in order to complete successfully.
For a greater chance of success, the group should have a tank, a healer and units to deal damage with different types of attacks and AoE damage.
You can take out a lot of valuable equipment and experience from raids, including legendary items.
Dungeons are divided into difficulty levels and in order to get into the next, you need to successfully complete the previous difficulty levels.
There are three in total:
- Normal – introductory, understand the structure of the dungeon, boss attacks, strengths and weaknesses.
- Heroic – more health, stronger attack, better drop, higher entry requirement for equipment.
- Mythic – requires a lot of players to enter, deadly attacks, main skills much more often, one mistake can fail the entire raid, you can get legendary equipment
Profession systems are actively implemented in World of Warcraft.
These are activities that are associated with the production of various items, or the collection of resources for the maintenance of craft professions.
You can only choose two active professions, so you should follow one of the development schemes:
- Choose one gathering and one creating to be a completely independent artisan who can maintain himself and earn gold from the items sold.
- Choose two gathering professions – this approach will help you earn a lot of gold by selling all the resources to other artisans, but you will not be able to engage in crafting professions on your own.
- Choose two craft professions – there will be problems with resources, but the possibility of supplies to the game market is higher. You will need to either buy resources to produce, or have multiple characters to mine them.
If you like to explore the universe in which you play and at the same time consistently receive experience and rewards in the form of gold, equipment, various consumables, then quests will bring you special pleasure, especially if you read the dialogues and learn additional information about the World of Warcraft.
There are story quests, we have already talked about them, and secondary ones.
Secondary – these are additional tasks that carry a situational reward, but if you interview every NPC in the game, you will definitely find one whose quest reward you like.
The general recommendation is this – take those tasks that have a good reward and at the same time are completed in the same location as the main quests, then it is profitable and efficient, otherwise it is a lot of running around and a weak profit.
Grinding is about abandoning the classic questing story in favor of exploring the world and farming by simply destroying monsters that suit your level.
Many players like this format, moreover, they are looking for just such projects for a comfortable game. Path of Exile fired precisely because of the ability of players to provide themselves with a full-fledged and uninterrupted grind.
Fortunately, World of Warcraft has a lot of locations with various monsters, different rewards from them and features to satisfy the needs of most players for such content.
If you like to dig for valuable items and at the same time gain experience and valuable rewards, then you will like archeology.
In World of Warcraft, this is a separate activity that allows players to dig and look for traces of past battles between factions in the ruins of various territories.
For mastering the specialization of an archaeologist, you will receive achievements whose bonuses will remain with your character forever.
Fishing and hunting
You can not rush behind the server bustle and just go fishing and hunting – these are two professions that are somewhat similar to each other, since they provide cooking with raw materials and additionally help to obtain resources for the inscriber or alchemist through reagents from special fish and skins from dead animals for the hunter and master tanner.
It should be clarified that fishing, cooking and archeology in themselves are a social profession and do not require a place for a slot for a profession, which means that all players can master them without exceptions and restrictions.
Some professions require special items to start work, they can be bought from the relevant NPCs for a nominal fee, and then you will be able to collect these materials.