Student loans are an important source of financing for many students pursuing higher education. Managing student loans can be daunting. Fortunately, several resources and assistance programs are available to help borrowers manage their student loans and get on the path to financial stability. This article explores how to get help with your student loan refinancing.
Loan Refinancing: What is it?
Loan refinancing is when a borrower takes out a new loan to repay their existing student loans. This new loan typically has a lower interest rate, which can save borrowers money over the life of the loan. Refinancing can also make it easier for borrowers to manage their payments, as they only have one loan to keep track of instead of multiple loans with different terms.
To refinance your student loans, you will need to apply for a new loan with a private lender. The lender will review your credit history, income, and other factors to determine your eligibility for a refinancing loan. If you are approved, the new loan will be used to pay off your existing student loans, and you will then be responsible for making payments on the new loan.
Loan Refinancing Resources
If you are considering refinancing your student loans, several resources are available to help you through the process. One of the most popular resources is Lantern by SoFi, a free online tool that helps borrowers compare refinancing offers from multiple lenders.
According to the Lantern by SoFi website, “Lantern makes it easy to compare student loan refinancing rates from top lenders. In just a few minutes, you can see personalized rates from multiple lenders, all in one place.” Using Lantern can help you save time and money by allowing you to compare offers from multiple lenders quickly and easily.
Student Loan Assistance Programs
In addition to refinancing, several student loan assistance programs are available to help borrowers manage their student loans. In addition, these programs may benefit borrowers struggling to make payments or have high debt levels.
One such program is the Income-Driven Repayment (IDR) plan, which allows borrowers to make payments based on their income and family size. Under an IDR plan, borrowers may be able to reduce their monthly payments and qualify for loan forgiveness after a certain period.
Another program is the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) program, which forgives the remaining balance on qualifying loans after the borrower has made 120 qualifying payments while working full-time for a qualifying employer. This program can be particularly beneficial for borrowers who work in public service or non-profit jobs.
Other Resources for Student Loan Borrowers
In addition to refinancing and assistance programs, several other resources are available to help student loan borrowers manage their loans. One such resource is the Federal Student Aid website, which provides information on loan repayment options, consolidation, and forgiveness programs.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) also offers resources for student loan borrowers, including tools to help borrowers understand their repayment options and avoid scams.
Managing student loans can be challenging, but several resources and assistance programs are available to help borrowers. Take advantage of these resources and get the help you need to manage your student loans confidently. If you are considering refinancing your student loans, be sure to check Lantern by SoFi for personalized rate quotes from multiple lenders.