The young star Polo G is an American rapper who became famous for his singles Pop Out and Finer Things. He is known as a rising star in the music industry. Anyway, let’s talk about his lyrics writing. Does Polo G have a Ghostwriter?
Well, we are not sure whether or not he has a ghostwriter. But we can guess that he has. Most of the rapper takes help from their ghostwriter. Even sometimes, a rapper helps another rapper. Some of them did not like other lyrics, they wanted to write their own.

Polo G’s many songs are famous because of his realistic lyrics. If you notice his song’s lyrics, you will see his sorrow, happiness, and emission expressed through his songs.
Moreover, as a rapper wrote his lyrics is not hard. But they did not get enough time to think about a song’s lyrics. On the other hand, some rappers did not like ghostwriter lyrics.
Related: Does Polo G Have a Grammy?
In these lyrics, rappers can not find any attachment in those lyrics. Sometimes people did not take it seriously what singers sing but this is the truth about their life.
However, most of the time, their real-life experience has shown in their songs. People will be surprised if they listen to lyrics with full concentration.
Before Fame How was Polo G’s Life?
Polo G rose to fame in 2018 through his two singles. His childhood was not so favorable. Surviving a violent childhood in his hometown Chicago, now he is known as a versatile rapper.
However, he wants to be mature quickly so that he could manage his family’s financial situation. In an interview, he said, “You can be as young as 14, living life like a grown man,” but “I had to mature quickly growing up in the trenches.”
From his early life, he has shown himself as a realistic person. He began raping in the last of his teenage. In the starting, he already defines his city sounds. The city of Chicago is best known for its drill music.

As a part of Chicago, he used his talent to show the beauty and culture of Chicago. He has known his city very well and knows every portion of the city.
Because of his city sound and realistic lyrics, he got famous within a short time. Artists like Lil Durk, Chief Keef, and others inspired the new generation from their city, they did the same for Polo G.
Polo G said, “Being from the city, you saw artists grow from the first music they put out to where they are now,” “That’s inspirational, just seeing the come-up of a lot of different artists.”
However, he did not famous because of other rapper’s help. He earned fame because of his talent. He has to struggle for fame and work
Drug Addicted Polo G
Polo G was addicted to drugs and could not control his addiction. At a point, he was hospitalized for an overdose. This was revealed somehow and all the truth came in front of his fans.
Moreover, he was addicted for three years. In his opinion, he has to feel high for alive. For this reason, he almost dies for takes the excessive drug.
This is the black chapter of his career. Somehow, he was controlling his addiction and paying attention to his health. From his hospital incident, he has been controlled his addiction.
Polo G told, “Ever since my hospital incident, I quit doing X and Xanax (it’s been 5 months) and I’ve been two months completely sober (lol definitely getting drunk tonight tho)
He has an intention to reveal this matter, he wants that no one gets involved in drug addiction. Life is more important than this kind of shit. There are many things you can put energy into.
Polo G Launched AAU Basketball Team In Chicago
Polo G wants to spread positive vibes to the young generation. So, he created a basketball team in Chicago. For influencing them, he tried his best so that they can not choose the wrong path.
On his social media account, Polo revealed that he went to his elementary school and he noticed that they did not have an AAU team. That is why they did not get their sports elements.
AAU is a non-profitable volunteer which provided sports programs for youth. Then he created a team for youth and surprise them with all the necessary kits.